Hey!Cheese is a Taipei-based photography company that mainly work in the architectural and interior design realm; we love to be engaged in all sorts of new things inspiring us to create. Living in a land full of diversified cultures, our crew always explores possibilities and vibrancy in each project. As a team composed of pioneered creators, we do not merely see ourselves as executors, yet who craft new things.

In Hey!Cheese, you see no cliché but things incorporated with passion and care. We are proudly to say that is what makes Hey! Cheese unique -- We capture life.
《 Hey!Cheese 嘿起司 》是以攝影為起點的獨立數位媒體,用有溫度的口吻,傳述獨特的居住理念、生活文化美學,並探索值得被關注的議題事物。


你好,我們是 Hey!Cheese。